
The original code from Tijndagamer’s mpu6050 python module was ported to use the adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice library.

Authors: Dr David Martin, Martijn, Brendan Doherty

modified by Brendan Doherty

class circuitpython_mpu6050.MPU6050(i2c, address=104)[source]

A driver class for the MPU6050 6 DoF (Degrees of Freedom) sensor.

  • i2c (I2C) –

    The I2C bus object connected to the MPU6050.


    This object should be shared among other driver classes that use the same I2C bus (SDA & SCL pins) to connect to different I2C devices.

  • address (int) – The MPU6050’s I2C device address. In most cases this is the default of 0x68. If your scenario is different, you can specify an alternate address with this parameter.

The range of the accelerometer to range.


The accelerometer X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of m/s^2 values.


The scale of the gyroscope.


The gyroscope X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of degrees/second values.


The temperature from the onboard temperature sensor of the MPU-6050 in degrees Celcius.